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visiteurs depuis janvier 2006, 22838 jetons et 7041 sites touristiques recencés.

Liste national parks & monuments (complète)

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(Parc national de Crater Lake)

□ Crater lake national park / 1902  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Marmotte?)  1

Arlington (USA)

□ Arlington national cemetery  38mm Here rests in honored glory an american soldier knox but to  2

□ The Iwo Jima memorial / Raising the flag on Mt. Buribachi Iwo Jima 1945 / dedicated 1954?  38mm United States marines war memorial  3


□ Mount Rainier national park / 1899  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Marcheur)  4


□ Lewis and Clark expedition 1805 / Arrival  38mm Ft. Clatsop national memorial  5

Bar Harbor

□ Acadia national park  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (oiseaux)  6


□ Carlsbad caverns national park / 1930  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 / Jim White  7


□ Big bend national park  38mm National park centennial (Sanglier)  8

Charlotte Amalie

□ Virgin islands national park  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Fortifications)  9


□ Minute man national historical park / The wayside / Concord Massachussets  38mm Mathaniel Hawthorne / 1604-1664  10


□ Mesa Verde national park / 1906  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Potier)  11

Crescent City

□ Redwood national park / 1968  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Biches)  12

Death Valley

□ Death valley  38mm National monument 1988 / National park 1884 / Belavery all c  13

Devils Tower

□ Devil's tower / National monument / 1906  38mm Devil's tower . First national monument . 1906 / Prairie do  14


□ Dinosaur / National monument  38mm Dinosaur / National monument / Colorado - Utah - 1915  15

East Luray

□ Shenandoah national park / 1935  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Oiseau)  16

Estes Park

□ Rocky mountain national park / 1915 / Longs peak  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Mouflon)  17


□ Great Smoky mountains national park / 1926  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Pintade?)  18


□ Gettysburg national park  38mm The Gettysburg adress / 1863  19

Glen Jean

□ New river gorge / National river  38mm Sandstone falls  20

Grand Canyon

□ Grand canyon national park / 1919  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Descente en bateau)  21


□ Denali national park / 1917  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Cerf)  22

□ Mount Mc Kinley national Park / 1917  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Cerf)  23


□ Hawaii volcanoes national park / Kilauea crater  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Pintade?)  24


□ Everglades national park / 1947  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Héron?)  25

Hot Springs (AR)

□ Hot springs national park / Bath house row / 1921  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Rivière et pont)  26

Hot Springs (SD)

□ Wind cave national park / 1903  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Bison)  27


□ Isle royale national park / 1940  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Elan)  28


□ Badlands national park  38mm National monument 1980 / National park 1975 / Black footed F  29

International Falls

□ Voyageurs national park / 1971  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Castor)  30


□ Mount Rushmore / National memorial / 1927  38mm Black Elk / 1899-1973  31


□ Haleakala national park / 1961  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (?)  32

Mammoth Cave

□ Mammoth cave national park / 1921  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 / Cave life  33

Mammoth Hot Springs (visitors center)

□ Colter explores the Yellowstone / 1807  38mm Yellowstone national park centenial / 1872-1972  34

□ George Catlin / 1832  38mm Roche jaune / The yellow stone / 1872-1972  35

□ Parks man and his environment / A second century  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 / Old faithful  36


□ Lassen volcanic national park / 1916  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972  37


□ Arches national park / 1971  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Personnage)  38

□ Canyonlands national park  38mm 1872 National parks 1972 (Rafting)  39


□ Grand teton national park  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Indien)  40

New York City

□ Statue of liberty  38mm Bicentennial celebration / 1976  41

Niagara Falls (USA)

□ Niagara Falls  38mm (Chutes)  42

Pearl Harbourg

□ U.S.S. Arizona / National memorial  38mm U.S.S. Arizona / BB 39 / Pearl Harbor Hawaii  43

Point Reyes Station

□ Point Reyes national seashore / Point Reyes lighthouse built 1870  38mm Elephant seal / Point Reyes national seashore / Established  44

Port Angeles

□ Olympic national park / 1968  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Cerf qui brame)  45

Salt Flat

□ Guadalupe mountains national park / 1972  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Rapace)  46

San Diego

□ Cabrillo national monument / 1913  38mm Man's frontier / The sea  47

San Francisco

□ Golden gate bridge / 1937  38mm World's greatest suspension bridge / San Francisco . Califor  48

Sedro Wooley

□ North cascades national park / Mt. Shuksan / 1968  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Poule)  49

Silver City

□ Gila cliff dwellings / 1907  38mm Gila cliff dwellings national monument / New Mexico  50


□ Zion national park  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Oiseau)  51


□ Platt national park / 1906  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Personnage)  52

Sun Valley

□ Petrified forest national park / 1962  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Loup)  53

Three Rivers

□ Kings canyon national park / 1940  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Cerf)  54

□ Sequoïa national park / 1890  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Ours)  55


□ Capitol Reef national park / 1971  38mm 1872 National parks 1972 / Petroglyphs  56


□ Bryce canyon national park  38mm National park centennial (Cavalier)  57


□ Saguaro national park / 1933  38mm Saguaro cactus in bloom  58

Washington D.C.

□ Capitol of the Unitid States of America  38mm Washington D.C. becoms nation's capital / 1800  59

□ Jefferson memorial / Washington D.C.  38mm Jefferson retired to Monticello / 1809  60

□ Lincoln memorial / Washington D.C.  38mm The Gettysburg adress / 1863  61

□ The wall / The Vietnam veterans memorial  38mm The Vietnam veterans memorial  62

□ The White house /october 13 1792  38mm Washington inaugurated first president / 1789  63

□ Washington monument completed / 1884  38mm Medaillic art compagny  64

West Glacier

□ Glacier national park / 1910  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 (Chamoix)  65

Yosemite village

□ Yosemite national park / 1890  38mm 1872 . National parks . 1972 / John Muir  66